Easy Moov Mallorca

Terms and conditions of sale

The registration to the services offered by EASYMOOV implies the total acceptance of all these general conditions by the subscriber.
EASYMOOV undertakes to inform each participant of all the conditions.

The present general conditions of sale may be modified at any time by EASYMOOV.

Article 1: Purpose of the contract

EASYMOOV offers accompanied rides on an all-terrain electric scooter. The purpose of the contract is to rent all-terrain electric scooters and their personal protective equipment for accompanied rides.

Article 2: The right of access

The activity is open to people aged 15 and over. No age exemption will be granted for children under 15 years old. Minors under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult or a legal guardian during the activity.
The rides are not accessible to pregnant women, not recommended for people with disabilities and for people with motor and balance problems.
Participants declare that they
They are in good physical health and have no contraindications to the practice of physical activities and sports.
They are not under the influence of any medication or narcotic, drug or alcohol, which could affect their vigilance or alter their behaviour.
In case of false declaration, EASYMOOV is not responsible. In case of non-respect of the instructions or bad behaviour of one or several participants, EASYMOOV reserves the right to interrupt the tour at any time without refund.

Article 3: Registration and reservation

All our activities must be booked in advance via our website.

Article 4: Prices and rates

The prices of the services offered by EASYMOOV are displayed on the website, on the social networks and on the flyers available at our partners.
The price includes the supervision of a guide, the organisation, the civil liability as well as the loan of the necessary equipment for the activity.
A transfer service is offered in addition to the excursion, to be paid before the departure of the shuttle.

Article 5: Insurance and liability

Each participant acknowledges that the practice of the electric scooter is an activity that presents risks of falling, which can lead to injuries, and accepts all consequences.
The participant is obliged to be personally covered by his or her own “Civil Liability” insurance. Any incident or accident is at the participant’s own expense.
The participants undertake to respect the instructions, recommendations and safety instructions given by the guide.

In the event of failure to comply with the instructions or damage to the scooters, all repair costs will be charged to the participant in accordance with the current catalogue rates of the TROTRX company, supplier of the scooters.

  • Engine 550€
  • Wheels 400€
  • Brake 85€
  • Display 59€
  • Handlebars 45€
  • Wristband 15€
  • Stem 35€
  • Brake discs 35€
  • Trigger 26€
  • Battery 1170€
  • Controller 180€
  • Tyre 45€
  • Protective gear 50€
  • Inner tube 8,90€
  • Shock absorber 135€
  • Fork 380€
  • Trott 4990€
For cases attributable to EASYMOOV, the responsibility of the latter is exclusively limited to the coverage provided by its insurance company in case of accident, damage to others, to property or to a third party. EASYMOOV declines all responsibility in case of theft, physical or material damage. No claim or recourse will be engaged against EASYMOOV.

Article 6: Cancellation

Cancellations/changes to your tour up to 48 hours before the departure date: 100% refund minus €5 fee.
Cancellations of your adventure up to 24 hours before departure date: 50% refund.
Cancellations after 24 hours before departure: no refund.
EASYMOOV reserves the right to cancel tours, change itineraries and days of operation: If WE cancel a tour due to bad weather, mechanical failure, dangerous conditions or closed itineraries, we will reschedule your tour to another date at no extra cost. If this option is not suitable for you, we will give you a full refund without any further compensation.
This tour requires a minimum of 3 scooters to start. If the minimum number of vehicles is not met, you may be contacted 12 hours prior to your visit to reschedule your tour.
There are no refunds for tours cancelled due to misrepresentation of physical ability, age and/or failure to disclose existing medical conditions that impact on your ability to complete the tour.
If a client fails or refuses to answer specific questions asked in the EASYMOOV questionnaire, we reserve the right to refuse the service without refund.
EASYMOOV does not provide refunds for reasons involving personal misconduct or whose behaviour is likely to disrupt the smooth running of the activity or compromise the safety of the group.
No refunds will be given for unused activities. No refunds will be given for failure to complete activities after they have started, nor will refunds be given for unjustified abandonment of a scooter more than 2km from the start, for which a fee of 20€ will be charged.

Article 7: Appointments

The time and place of the meeting are automatically and previously given by the service provider or registered on his website.
We ask you to arrive in good time. In case of delay at the meeting point, the guide will start the tour and no refund or compensation can be demanded from the client.

Article 8: Dispute resolution

Both parties shall endeavour to resolve amicably any difficulties that may arise in the execution of the contract. If no amicable agreement can be reached, all disputes relating to the validity, interpretation and execution of this agreement shall be governed exclusively by the rules of Spanish law.
All disputes, of whatever nature, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Spanish civil and commercial courts.

Article 9: Image rights

The acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by the client is, in the absence of written information to the contrary transmitted to EASYMOOV on the day of the shooting, equivalent to authorisation to reproduce and represent photographs and videos in the event of a report.
Consequently, the client authorises EASYMOOV to distribute the images taken during its activity. The images may be exploited and used directly in all forms and media known and unknown to date without any time limit (press, brochure, display, internet, etc.) to promote the company’s activities. The client acknowledges that he is fully entitled to his rights and may not claim any remuneration for the exploitation of the rights referred to in this paragraph.
